Behaviorism Challenges to Teachers in the Classes

By; Komal Zulfqar
Behaviorism focuses on the idea that all the behaviors are learned through interaction and environment. This learning theory states that behaviors are learned from the environment and innate or inherited factors have very little influence on the behavior. Schools can define their own set of behaviors expected in their student engagement policy. Different students have different behaviors because they belong to a variety of societies which cast shadows on their attitudes and process of learning. Teachers have challenges to teach and educate the students due to their behaviors such as:
• Withdrawal behaviors such as embarrassment, tremors, stare, anxiety, fear of school, absenteeism, isolation, or clapping hands.
• Disruptive behaviors such as getting out of a chair, shouting in class, getting angry, swearing, screaming or refusing to follow instructions.
• Violent or unsafe behaviors such as hitting the head, kicking, biting, punching, fighting, running, breaking tools or furniture/repairs.
• Inappropriate social behaviors in the community such as inappropriate conversations, stealing, excessive love, inappropriate touching or masturbation.
All the behaviors reflect in communication that why every behavior has a reason behind. Negative behaviors create Challenges in the way of communication when a teacher communicates to his or her students. Therefore, due to things like anxiety, negligence, abuse, learning disabilities and conditions such as dementia affect the teacher-student means of communications. To understand the causes of challenging behavior is the first step in finding ways to support people and manage their behavior and then to useful learning of the student. There are many challenging behavioral causes, which often vary from a person to person. Behavior is influenced by different factors, including Social, Biological, Psychologically and Environment.
• High-quality teaching is tough and challenging job. In the current era, with the advent of new teaching methods and the emergence of digital learning into the field of education, the role of teachers has also been changed dramatically over the long term. Today, a teacher is facing the daunting task of keeping up with the latest developments in the fields of medicine, education, science, arts, and so on. Therefore the development of their skills and knowledge from time to time is necessary. Therefore a teacher faces such types of hurdles.
• Get to know their students well
• Understanding of the different learning skills and abilities of the learners
• Encouraging and motivating students when they do not do well and they have to deal with parental and peer pressure
• Creating an effective communication channel between Management-Parents- Students
A teacher should build a healthy relationship with the students. Every effort should be made by the teacher to keep his students informed. Communication should extend beyond classes. The teacher should be a friend first and take responsibility for training students with its warm and happy manner. Students should feel free to discuss any subject and express any doubts anywhere and the teacher should be approachable. A broad mind and a friendly attitude on the part of the teacher will make a difference when it comes to get to know students well.
The biggest challenge for any teacher is to understand the capacity learning as well as the attitudes of the students. Students are different in their grasp, memory, concentration, reading and writing ability and demonstrate their interests in a variety of subjects. A student who is brilliant in mathematics may find it difficulties to understand other subjects. A student may also be good at sports and other curricular activities but may not be the same attention and enthusiasm when it comes to Education. Some students are extremely intelligent and hardworking, while others are slow and find it difficult to understand what is being taught in the classroom. A good teacher will always focus on slow-moving students who take them to his or her home and nurture them with care and concentration. The teacher should talk individually with the students, designing modules according to their needs and assigning tasks based on their interests and assessing their progress is important here and will contribute to the growth of the overall personality of students.
Today, students not only have to deal with academic pressure but also have to cope with unrealistic parental expectations. This leads to unprecedented stress for students. The biggest challenge to a teacher is a motivation, when students do not do well, losing focus and being distracted by various situations. Borrowing applause, voice of comfort and support, instilling confidence and a positive attitude towards students in their difficult times will surely bring about a change in the lives of students.
Parent and teacher have changed their roles and anticipations today. Parents who are actively involved in school and their studies and attend Parent-Teacher meetings frequently cast good impact on teachers and students. It helps to understand the issues of students and their changing behaviors. A major challenge for a teacher is to monitor students’ progress and to communicate effectively with their parents. The teacher should recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the learners and be able to communicate effectively with their parents, thus creating an atmosphere of openness for parents. To deal students with cruelty / rudeness manners can be dangerous for the teachers and the school. Teachers are supervisors and have needed to work with changing dynamics of social, economics, rules and regulations due to technology. Therefore a teacher can play a key role to strengthen the healthy and positive relationship among Teacher-Parent-Student.
Although there is a newly trained teacher or a teacher having decades of experience working with students but there are many challenges when it comes to ethical management especially at the beginning of the school year when a new student harvest comes into your classroom. For teachers, effective behavioral management supports almost all teaching and learning success. Few private school franchises are generally well-organized, well-behaved, even low school disruptions can lead to disastrous consequences for the both students and teachers. This makes it advisable for teachers and assistant teachers to have the tools and strategies to ensure that ethics are maintained whenever possible. Other private and some government schools are facing the lack of cooperation by the society, government as well as parents which directly affect teachers and students behaviors and attitudes.
Research shows that well organized schools use a balance of rewards and penalties for the motivation and the discipline of students. Before using any new prizes or punishment plans, consult with your school management to ensure that the procedures are according to social status, norms and government policy. to prevent expulsion from the classroom special activities can all be used while those who display good behavior can be rewarded with compliments, stickers, small items and opportunities and promotion as a teacher’s ‘assistant’ during the lesson. Students are less likely to misbehave if they know exactly what is acceptable and unacceptable in the classroom. In order to create a well-managed, organized classroom that caters for diverse students and attention, a teacher should make an effort to establish rules, guidelines and expectations. He should not only draw ‘home rules’ and be clear also about the consequences of not following the rules and the rewards for those students who behave well regularly.

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