Benefits of Pink Salt

By: Syeda Sundeela Fayyaz

According to girls pink  is considered to be the cutest colour. They want most of things in pink colour and guess what they can even have salt in pink colour too. Yes the pink salt is now commonly used for cooking.

Not only the colour or the aesthetics of the salt is fascinating but it is also used in diet, cosmetics, some factories make value products such as lamps for export and last but not the least it has got some health benefits.

Today we will be discussing about the health benefits of this pink salt.

Pink salt is also known as the Himalayan salt because the salt comes from Himalayan mountains.


How do we get this pink salt?

Himalayan pink crystal pure salt was formed more than 250 million years ago in the Himalayan Mountains.  The Himalayan mountains came into existence due to the volcanic eruptions, which resulted in the crust of the earth to move, as a result the saltwhich was settled on the ocean bed, began to rise which is none other then the unique pinkcolored mineral that is Himalayan pink salt rocks.

It originally has come from the sea when the part of the Himalayas was below sea level, and the water dried out leaving a salt deposit.

Why is Pink Salt the purest?

Himalayan salt is foundto be the purest salts because thy are found deep in the mines, hence no impurities of toxins from the outside can mix with it.

The pink colour of the pink salt

Depending on the ratio of minerals the pink salt can be of different shades such as light pink, medium pink, reddish, beef-colored, crystalline. The colour of this salt is pink because the ground contains some iron or the trace amount of ferric oxide,which turns this salt into pink colour, it is actually the trace of minerals like potassium, magnesium, copper, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, boron, chromium, fluorine, iodine, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc which givesthe light beautiful pink tint to it. Iron gives the red colour to blood, and yellow to brown colour to minerals.In the concentration and crystalline form it gives pinkish colour to the salt.

The difference between normal salt and pink salt is that the normal salt is recrystallized and as a result the dirt is removed which is especially in the form of iron. This is the reason the normal salt changed into white colour.

Himalayan pink salt in Pakistan Himalayan pink rock salt is mined from the gigantic Khewra Salt Mine in the north of district Jhelum in Punjab, Pakistan.It is situated hundreds of kilometres from the Himalayan mountains.Pakistan’s Pink Salt has a millions dollar market which is being exported world over by Pakistan mainly in raw rocks form that is utilised by other countries by converting to refined form.

Facts about the Himalayan pink salt

Pink salt is 98 to 99% sodium chloride, the same stuff that makes up ordinary table salt, with trace amounts of other mineral salts, some of which give the crystals a pink or sometimes other color.The pink salt lack iodine in its composition which is usually found in  the table salt.As this pink salt is found in the raw form so it contains some harmful levels of unwanted minerals too. The Himalayan pink rock salt appears to be safe for consumption after the usual basic purification for commercial sale as a foodstuff.

The Himalayan salt gained popularity when it was globally declared to be the healthier choice to consume than the regular, white table salt.

Health benefits of pink salt

Himalayan pink salt has a rich mineral composition of 84 elements. The chemical composition of it is almost the same as the human body. That is the big reason why Pink salt has various health and wellness benefits.

  • Himalayan salt is useful for us in many different ways. Some of the benefits of Himalayan pink salt includes;


  • It is used in the therapies for curing respiratory ailments.
  • The salt is beneficial when used for skin treatments as bath soaks and scrubs.
  • It reduces signs of aging.
  • It improves respiration.
  • It improves the sleep quality.
  • It supports bone health.
  • It helps to stabilize blood pressure.
  • It helps regulate blood sugar levels.
  • It helps reduce cravings for sweet foods.
  • It increases the electrolyte balance in the body.
  • It helps balance pH levels in the body.
  • It relieve stress and normalizes mental state.
  • It also stabilizes digestion, circulatory system, and hormone production.
  • It strengthens the immune system.
  • It can be used as a natural remedy for detoxification and cleanse the body of toxins.
  • It has anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Himalayan Pink Salt is not only useful for humans but it is widely used as salt licks for animals.
  • Pink salt slabs are used in cooking, cooling slabs, to season meals, and to preserve food.
  • It can also be used in place of bath salts for Contracting and relaxing muscles.
  • It is used in the spa therapy and in the beauty products.
  • It Cleanses, Deodorise, and Purify Air.
  • As Sodium is an essential trace mineral found in the pink salt and the body needs this for a veriety of functions, such as for; Maintaining proper fluid balance and preventing dehydration, Sending nervous system impulses, Preventing low blood pressure, and reducing the risk of infection and kill harmful bacteria.

Himalayan pink salt should definitely be used daily as it is a safe and an healthy option.

If you are thinking of changing your diet to a healthier lifestyle, then start with adding pink salt to your routine. The health benefits of Pink Himalayan salt are endless. Just a simple change of salt could change you feel much better about yourself and about life.

However, Use sparingly or too much use of any salt in your diet is not at all good for you and can have very bad effects on your health such as it can cause,

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Stroke
  • Liver damage
  • Osteoporosis
  • Kidney disease
  • Increased obesity
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