Clash of Civilizations, NATO Allies Withdraw from “Alley of Silence”

Analysis: Dr. M.K. Rehan
As a result of the refusal of the Prime Minister of Pakistan to “not give a foothold” in clear and unequivocal terms, not only loans are being restricted to Pakistan. On the contrary, Fatif’s sword has been hung on it once again. Despite the fact that 26 out of 27 points were implemented, it was decided to put them on the gray list on the basis of only one point, which our Foreign Minister termed as a political decision. But what was feared happened? The Pakistani leadership did not take any innovative steps nor did it violate family and international law. Rather, as a free, sovereign nation, it decided to cherish national and national interests. And it locked Do Moore in the coffin of No More forever. No power in the world can demand the imposition of “coercion or arbitrariness” on the basis of personal aspirations to gain control and domination. Further, the position of the Prime Minister is quite correct that the Afghan soil by force. But the right of government should not be given to anyone. It is a matter of possible situation in the coming days in Afghanistan which could turn into civil war at any moment (God forbid) and accept a government based on democratic principles at the international level. Can be found, Therefore, it would be better for the Kabul government and the Afghan Taliban to reach a meaningful, workable and trustworthy agreement in Afghanistan before the full US withdrawal and agree to give the Afghan people the right to decide their own future so that Afghanistan The war in Afghanistan fostered a philosophy of “clash of civilizations.” Earlier, Muslims were branded as conservative, radical, and extremist, and since the 9/11 tragedy. Years ago, a campaign to discredit Islam, Muslims, and Muslim states began. During this period, American think tanks continued to claim the division of Pakistan into three or four parts, new mapping of the Middle East, and the merging of Muslim civilization and Confucius civilization, which can still be likened to an unattainable desire or a madman’s dream. Islamophobia also arose before 9/11 and was not really the starting point, the anti-Muslim thinking found in the US and Europe, the parrot’s eyes and disloyalty to the Afghan Mujahidin, and above all the future of Muslim civilization against Western civilization. It was a natural reaction to the dangerous approach of the threat. The Crusades were forgotten by the Muslims. We do not remember the hatred of Zionists and Christians against Islam and Muslims. But our opponents have forgotten one defeat at a time. To avenge this on the Muslim Ummah, the United States invaded Afghanistan in October 2001 to oust the Taliban from the Islamic Emirate and “blamed Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda”. The Taliban beat the drum to justify the 9/11 attacks and announced the launch of the Bush Juniors “Crusade” during the post-9/11 invasion of Afghanistan. That is, the holy war against the Muslims, the Muslim states established in Baghdad, Spain, Khorasan, Turkey and India, and even the great caliphates embraced the Jews and Christians according to Islamic teachings. Respecting the human rights of non-Muslims, when Russia put Jews in wrecked boats and sacrificed them to the waves of the sea, and life in Germany and Austria was short. The Ottoman Caliphate would rescue and shelter them, but this mischief began. In Spain, the Muslim caliph appointed a Jewish politician as a minister, so at the first opportunity, he issued a warrant for the dismissal of Jewish employees in the institutions under his supervision, saying that they were mischievous people and obstructed the government.
According to the media, the latest situation in Afghanistan is that except for Kabul and a few other areas, most of Afghanistan is under Taliban control. To make Afghanistan a peaceful country, the Taliban

Authority has set up checkpoints on roads, highways, and important places. The Taliban’s shura or decision-makers are currently in Qatar. Whatever they decide, the Taliban will accept it. Every member of the Taliban considers himself a defending soldier for the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. He announced that Sharia law would be enforced in Afghanistan once again, just like in 1996. Afghanistan was devastated by foreign forces after the 9/11 attacks. And we will make a ruined Afghanistan a haven of peace. If 90% of the Taliban have returned to Afghanistan, then there must be an atmosphere of peace and order. The people of Afghanistan are sympathetic to the Taliban in bringing peace, establishing security, and reducing crime. And the Taliban is being welcomed everywhere. The Taliban are of the opinion that after the fall of Afghanistan, they suffered a lot at the hands of foreign forces and suffered a lot. The Taliban is of the view that in 2001, the United States invaded Afghanistan with NATO forces and destroyed the peace of Afghanistan. Now, in order to make Afghanistan a peaceful country, foreign forces should leave without any conditions and Afghanistan should be handed over to them. The Taliban have stopped attacking foreign forces in Afghanistan after signing an agreement with the United States. But the body parts of the US and NATO forces and the pieces of their uniforms are still trapped in the bushes of Afghanistan. ۔ It is well known that the suffocating global terrorist does not come out of the place where he put his paws. But Afghans are a strong nation. Whose dreams have saved this global terrorist and his muscles from a catastrophic defeat? They are now forced to suffocate and flee. But the changing circumstances and events can be disturbing for Pakistan. The main reason is the Afghan pro-Indian gang which The United States is a slap in the face of the brave. The so-called champion of democracy, the American {Bacha Jamuria} “India” regrets that after the defeat and cover-up of brave America, the neighboring countries should be subdued in Afghanistan. But in the new political setup of Afghanistan, the Taliban Will have a natural inclination towards Pakistan.
But let the people of Pakistan be careful and united. Because this scourge has started to spread. All the global terrorists have lined up against Pakistan. That is, to keep Pakistan on the ATF’s gray list, to get more loans from the IMF and the World Bank. These include the imposition of conditions, the abolition of GSP Plus status by Europe, difficulties in obtaining spare parts for American weapons, the increase in negative activities by pro-US circles inside Pakistan, and tensions on India’s borders. There is an urgent need to keep a close eye on. In this regard, the “opposition” must support the government instead of opposing it. Because this lively position is not only a sign of the desire of Prime Minister Imran Khan but also of the aspirations of 22 crore people of Pakistan. If this position is taken lightly, the enemy will benefit. This is the desire of the active parties in the Afghan cause and the direct partners for peace. Instead of licking the wounds of the “NATO alliance and its global leader, the United States,” which is fueling unrest in the region, it should seek a complete withdrawal. If leaving Afghanistan and establishing one’s own panchayat in the region is a delusion.

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