Corruption case in Vehari Rural Health Center 87-WB reported allegedly

Vehari Rural Health Center

Corruption case in Vehari Rural Health Center 87-WB reported allegedly

According to the details, Sajid, a brave resident of Vehari, worked hard to expose the corruption of people working in the Health Department. Despite several threats, Sajid Hussain stood firm against the corrupt mafia. From 2013 to 2016, Samina Nazir, a staff nurse, allegedly conspired with the officers to pass a bogus bill of crores of rupees at the Rural Health Center 87WB, which has cost the health department crores of rupees. Speaking on the occasion, the staff Nurse said that the outdoor AC was bought for Rs. 46,200 while the indoor AC was bought for Rs. 70,200. In those days, the price of a complete AC was Rs. 46,000. Nameplates are being sold for Rs. 200 to Rs. 350 across the country, while staff nurse Samina Nazir has passed bills ranging from Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 3,000 per plate, as well as fake and fictitious bills for hundreds of items. The Deputy Director Anti-Corruption summoned all the facilitators including Samina Nazir some days ago. When the facilitator reached the anti-corruption office, seeing the media representatives, they hid their faces and ran towards the office. A citizen named Sajid while talking to the media said that we have full confidence in the anti-corruption officers and I am sure that the looters of the rights of the people will not sit idly by until the looted money is returned and the chain is closed. The citizen further said that I am constantly being threatened to withdraw the application. He demanded to Chief Minister Punjab from the anti-corruption department to take strict action against the looters and provide protection to the citizens.

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