DPO Okara Faisal Gulzar refused Police funds provide record

DPO Okara Faisal Gulzar

Okara (Bureau Report) DPO Okara Faisal Gulzar refused Police funds provide record to the senior citizen under RTI Law. Millions embezzlement Scam disclosed in District Police Office Okara. DST Sources disclosed that since a long time DPOs / SPs Investigation continued causing irreparable loss to public kitty. Sources disclosed that in investigation wing even a penny is not incurred by I.Os but with the criminal involvement of I.Os, S.Ps Inv. / DPOs embezzled millions in the name of Investigation expenditures. It is rampant malpractice in Police Department Okara that the expenditures incurred on the investigation process are normally born by the complainant or the accused. A senior citizen pointed out Millions Scam but the DPO with criminal collaboration of Director ACE managed to register case against low level employees and later on the employees involved were facilitated by ACE to get out of imprisonment. During a querry to the public sources disclosed that Police Officers blackmail the complainants of the cases and force them to bear the expenditures of investigation and in case of non-compliance by the complainant the I.Os build up a criminal liaison with the offenders and weaken the case by deliberate negligent poor investigation. Having fatigued by the criminal tactics of police officials, fearful citizens don’t dare to lodge complaint against even the SHO of the Police Station to the higher authorities of Police Department because due to self-styled, flawed SOPs the matter is referred to the Divisional SP or DPO of the District and the DPO finds no other way accept to provide criminal patronize to the involved police officials.

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