Islamophobia European conspiracy against Islam

By…. Dr. M.K. Rehan
Islam is a universal religion, but the conflict between Islam and Western civilization has been going on for centuries. Compared to all the civilizations and cultures of the world, the civilization and culture of Islam has very unique and distinctive features. The main reason for this is the principles and ideas. What the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has bestowed on the Muslim Ummah through his beauty. In all aspects of culture, this beauty provides us with comprehensive guidance that covers both theoretical, intellectual and practical aspects at the same time. Such comprehensiveness does not exist in any other civilization or culture in the world. Western thinkers, in spite of all their prejudices against Islam and the Prophet of Islam, have not been able to negate the great civilization and culture of Islam. He had to confess openly. That Muslims have not endowed Europe with the riches of civilization. Rather, it provided the basis for personality building and character. He immersed himself in the light of European culture immersed in the darkness of sin. Instead of the law of the jungle, he gave the “Son of Man” a sense of human dignity and respect. And thus paved the way for the establishment of these civilized societies on this planet. The blessed life of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has provided guidance for every aspect of the life of the Islamic nation. One of them is the cultural aspect.
Islamophobia (terrified of Islam) and the Greek word “phobia” (meaning “terrifying”) mean non-Muslim to be afraid of Islamic civilization and “ethnic Muslim group” to mean non-Muslims in Europe. Incitement against Islam and instilling fear of Islamophobia in their hearts is called Islamophobia. Islamophobia is the name given to Islamophobia by non-Muslims. It is used ruthlessly to point fingers and defame. However, in Islam, every sect, every religion and its followers have been given the honor and status that they have not found in their own religion. Fear of Islam and terror is used against extremism in most languages of Europe and the world. The term was used in early 1976. But in the same twentieth century, it is used to ignite the fire of racial discrimination. And it was rarely used in the early 1990s. But again, the word was coined against Muslims in 1987. In 1997, an attempt was made to associate this term and definition with Muslims. When the British writer Roniam Trust used his dirty mentality. Islamophobia is a “challenge for all of us”. That is, Islamophobia, that is, immense fear of Islam, which creates hatred and enmity against Muslims in the hearts of the people. According to French authors, the term was first used by Malia Emily in an article entitled “Culture and Wildness”. Which was published in 1994 by the French newspaper Lemanda. In it he described the gender of Islamophobia. And in 1998, Sohaib bin Sheikh took this word as the title of a chapter in his book Marianne et le Prophète (p. 171). The word was used globally. The word was widely circulated, especially in response to the dramatic September 11 attacks on the US World Trade Center by conservative Islamic parties. Some Islamic parties, especially those calling for jihad and the Salaf, threw dust in the eyes of the people and gave the impression to the people. That fear and terror have nothing to do with the efforts being made in the camps of Islam. But in Western countries and societies where Muslims have lived for a long time, ignoring their social participation at home, disgracing them. In particular, the failed attempts to portray Muslims as geopolitical terrorist and to make their places of worship the abode of terrorism,
as well as to link the thoughts, expressions and impressions of Muslim sentiments to Muslim civilization, have continued. Praise be to God! Fear and terror have nothing to do with the efforts to propagate Islam in the camps of Islam. Now the general term of Islamophobia is changing and eventually the western nations will have to suffer. Today, the West, which promotes freedom of expression, human rights and equality, is plagued by the cancer of hypocrisy and duplicity. The true face of the so-called reformer who teaches enlightenment in eloquent and heartfelt terms has been exposed. A series of anti-Islamic incidents proved it. That means freedom of expression in the West. That is to say, through the print and electronic media, collectively insult the followers of the universal religion of Islam and its holy figures. But the ridicule of Islamic teachings and the humiliation of Muslims is not surprising. Is reprehensible. Because these heinous acts and residences are not the result of any individual action or effort. Rather, such unholy audacities are a manifestation of the collective thinking of the entire Western society and governments, which could lead to a clash of civilizations and a new crusade. Injustice with the Muslims in the name of “freedom of expression” and their furious thinking in the name of so-called freedom of expression, thoughtless and vile thinking, impure and blasphemous propaganda, haste of anti-Islam. Undoubtedly, the guns of the West and dirty thoughts are turning towards Islam and Muslims. Which is totally against global moral and religious values. Reading sensational information on the media makes a person anxious. But in this regard, it is human nature to drown in a sea of anxiety. The propaganda of Islamophobia is such a scourge in the West that it is continuing its efforts to bring the peace of the West in general and the world of Islam in particular to the brink of destruction. Strict action against those who spread hatred is absolutely necessary.

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