Malala and Islam

Malik Muhammad Aslam Awan

Malala’s narrative about marriage – the most sacred institution of Islam – has stirred a convulsive uproar amongst the followers of Islam. Nikah is the most integral part of the contract between couples, leading their life towards a specific mission – to lead life according to Islamic Shariah and nourish, train and educate their off-springs to succeed in this world and the world hereafter. Life in itself is not a success but a road leading to success. One cannot succeed in life without having a mission and the missions are always pious, instead of having satanic elements. Marriage is in fact a social contract between couples to attain the sacred mission of pleasing God Almighty by their acts and deeds. Those who attain this sacred mission are winners in this world and the World hereafter.
Some sophists are too vocal and articulate to extend their advocacy in favour of Malala to move forward with her impious views about marriage. No doubt who favour Malala in her obnoxious views about marriage harbour mal-intent about Islamic teachings and it is, prima facie, evident from their discourse that they want to cause blow to Islamic civil society by spreading their condemnable ideas.
Such disgruntled elements – having the mantle of Islam – are in fact the spoilers who intend to pollute the Islamic civil society by their perversed tenor of Islam. They are intriguing to paint Islamism as a hard line approach to life.
Malala’s narrative about marriage fuelled fire to the already burning issue because west is the manifestation of free society, where couples live without marriage and produce children, whom they cannot even name after their names as there is no bondage of social contract, some execute marriage even after having children.
Islamic vitals and values are always attacked by the western manipulators whose sole intent is to demolish Islamic citadel of values, norms, principles and pious Divin injunctions, harbinger of success in this world and the world hereafter.
Demagogues of Malala thoughts profess to advocate her that she raised the voice for education of children of Swat and bereaved areas and bore the brunt of Taliban wrath, who shot her to suffocate her voice, even she remained under treatment for long time and had undergone many surgeries to regain the vitals of life. As for her voice for education of children is concerned it is a bold and courageous enterprise and she deserves praise but analyzing her marriage narrative one would – within no time – reach the conclusion that she has been fed up with perverse thoughts to attack the most sacred institution of Islam. Her remarks are scathing and provocative to the Muslim community, the orthodox Muslims can never tolerate.
Excluding the vitals of Mullahism or extremism, being ordinary muslims we are bound by Islamic norms to defend pious institutions of Islam and reject impious views, which are intended to cause rifts in Islamic society and, prima facie, a condemnable effort to reimburse the coming generations with the teachings contrary to Islamic values.
Revisiting Malalla’s story one would reach the agenda of the western school of thought. She wrote a book at the age of fourteen years when a common child don’t have enough sobriety of thoughts. Sages of the ages have expressed in clear terms that Malala is a planted personality and the genuine author of the book is her father Zia-ud-Din, who intrigued to name his own written book in the name of Malala. Later on step by step phases of story lead Malala to be nominated for Nobel Prize. World institutions were already in favour of Malala to be prized her for Nobel and consequently she was the winner. Off and on we see the glimpses of Malala with the most cursed persons – Suleman Rushedi, and Tasleema Naureen. Tasleema Naureen and Suleman Rushedi are blasphemy characters, who earned fiery criticism from Muslim Community of the World. Having relations with these cursed characters clearly connotes favor to them.
Having a cursory glance at Malala’s narrative and her plantation by west every sane mind would reach the conclusion that she is the sapling of CIA planted with specific motives to escalate her so high even to rise at the position of leading Pakistan. Would Muslims of Pakistan as well as world Muslim Community let her to assume the position of their leader?
She would not be allowed, with all her shames of life – to conquer Pakistan because the civil society of Pakistan is too much fed up with her shameful ideas and would never tolerate voting for her to rise to the leading portfolio of Pakistan, the dream of CIA would come down to earth with a bang when it will see that Malala has become a forgotten story, sinking in the oblivious past.

(The writer is a journalist, author of English Book on current affairs
and independent analyst based in Lahore)
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