Ministry of Science and Technology has started production of a new electronic voting machine

electronic voting machine

Ministry of Science and Technology has started production of a new electronic voting machine. Minister for Science and Technology Senator Shibli Faraz says the new electronic voting machine will meet the standards of the Election Commission. Opposition is opposing the electronic voting machine because the machine is different. He will lose managing elections through constituencies

The objections of the Election Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology has started the production of a new electronic voting machine, Minister for Science and Technology Senator Shibli Faraz says the new voting machine will meet the standards set by the Election Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology within a month. Will make
Senator Shibli Faraz said that the economy is on track, no new tax will be imposed in the budget, rejecting the electronic voting machine without looking at it is a childish move, the federal minister said that 3500 MW of power is due to faulty electrical appliances. By upgrading the wings, 2500 MW of electricity can be saved

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