Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Afghanistan and Pakistan

By: Dr. Muhammad Akram Zaheer
(PhD Political Science)
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) aims to promote Islamic solidarity by coordinating social, economic, scientific and cultural activities. It is also to supportthe peaceful struggle of Muslims for their rights. The organizationdevicesof International Islamic News Agency, the Islamic Development Bank, the Islamic Solidarity Fund, and the World Center for Islamic Education.
The Organization has also been working to improve its role in Afghanistan post withdraw the United States. The situation of Afghanistan has deteriorated further and there is a fear of a humanitarian crisis and there are many concerns in Muslim world. The OIC member states have urged their members and non-member states to mobilize the necessary financial resources to organize and implement an urgent humanitarian assistance to the people of Afghanistan.
In the statement of the inaugural session of meeting of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers held in Islamabad, the organization’s Assistant Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs, Tariq Ali Bakht Salah, stated that after decades of war and insecurity, the people of Afghanistan need relief and peace. It is challenge for the international community to act swiftly to ensure that the people of Afghanistan have unhindered access to life-saving aid and humanitarian facilities and services. He added that the OIC Humanitarian Office in Kabul, in collaboration with various international agencies, would fulfill its responsibility to provide much needed assistance to millions of needy people. He expressed confidence that the OIC with the collaboration of the United Nations and regional partners, as well as key stakeholders, would take all necessary steps for a lasting solution to the devastating humanitarian situation in Afghanistan, in which millions of lives are at stake.
The situation in Afghanistan is alarming. According to UN figures, almost half of the country’s population has reached critical levels of hunger. The World Food Program estimates that 3.2 million children in Afghanistan are at risk of severe undernourishment. The United Nations Development Program fears that 97% of Afghans could fall below the poverty line if immediate steps are not taken to address the humanitarian crisis. In a meeting, Foreign Minister Shah MehmoodQureshi expressed concern that the withdrawal of economic migrants from Afghanistan could begin. He had warned European officials that the migrants would be heading to Europe, thus Western nations should not be under the illusion that the crisis in Afghanistan would have no any effect on them.
The Afghan delegation to the conference was led by its foreign minister, and it will be important for the people gathered to listen to them. However, it is just as important for the Taliban representatives in the delegation to hear what the world thinks of them. Pakistani officials have privately complained that the Taliban leadership is not accepting their demands. Many Western envoys in Islamabad have also made it clear that their governments will not be willing to cooperate with the Taliban but in the areas of as girls’ education, women’s rights and a more comprehensive government in Kabul. Don’t notice any obvious changes.
The key issue at this stage is the crumbling economy in Afghanistan. Lack of banking channels means to get financial aid into the system and then deliver it to the people who need it most is a major obstacle to reducing the country’s precarious situation. Many Western ambassadors to Islamabad say their governments have promised huge sums of money for Afghanistan, although they are opposed to formal recognition of the Taliban government. However, there is no way to reach the desired recipients of this assistance unless proper banking system is established.
As a host, Pakistan can rightly claim of the creditif significant progress is made. The forum provided an excellent opportunity for Pakistan to articulate its priorities as a key player in Afghanistan and to develop its strategic narrative so that it can be seen as a key driver for peace and stability in the neighborhood and the region. Prime Minister Imran Khan has done a good job of ensuring the solid participation of Muslim countries as well as key officials of international organizations. The Foreign Ministry has worked hard to bring this mega event together.
Pakistan was in a good position to take many important steps from this platform. However, in parallel, it also had to deal with the challenge of countering the negative perception between the United States and other Western nations that it had helped engineer the defeat of the United States. So far, Pakistan has struggled to change that perception and has dangerously cooled its relations with Washington. US special envoys for Afghanistan were also attending the meeting, as well as Russian officials. It is hoped that the Pakistani authorities will use this opportunity to build a strong case for their diplomacy and try to eliminate the negative perceptions that escalate to anti-Pakistan sentiments.

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1 Comment

  1. Asad ullah
    December 22, 2021
