Project Trinity – The Second World War

Turning the pages of history it comes to limelight, the greed for power, superiority and the authority over the humanity had made the victims of this evil tread heavily on the vicious path, the gruesome results of their acts whole humanity is still facing. To act to have superiority over the human race in skills is not a bad habit but to thrust the humanity into burning fire to gain victory over humanity is a vicious act and a lot of leaders of autocratic mind acted for lust of power and victory and put the whole humanity on the verge of complete ruine. In 1939 American Scientists proposed that the nuclear technology be experienced for nuclear weapons and the project Manhatten was initiated to produce Autom bomb. For this experiment 400 scientsts were working, with six thousand man power. This project remained functional till 1945. After the defeat in the first world war the German made the world atmosphere so tense that humanity came close to second world war.
America had no feud with Germany but German Technology and research work to produce nuclear weapons made the world anxious for human security as all countries knew full well the designs of Germany. To counter German designs USA wanted to produce the nuclear weapons to make its security insurmountable and invincible. Before the second world war German’s academic institutions were busy to achieve the goal of being nuclear nation, which made the USA much more anxious, as America was aware and alive to the fact that German race had brilliant minds to achieve its goal of being world power. Hitler was about to gain the capacity of producing nuclear weapons and realizing the grave fact Albert Aine Stine wrote a letter to American President that Germany might gain the capacity to produce nuclear weapons and if materialized the world will have to face mass destruction. America instituted more than 30 laboratories and launched regularly project Manhattan. After launching laboratories thousands of scientist alongwith nearabout one and half lac people were busy day and night to make the project a success.As compared to Germany USA faced difficult situation in having Uranium for its project, because Germany had occupied Belgium which had immenseresources of Uranium. In the above circumstances it was impossible for USA to have Uranium. Due to non-availability of Uranium, USA adopted the technology to use Plutonium and initiated experiments and the place where these experiments had ground was named trinity and after some time the Project Manhattan was renamed as Project Trinity.
On the 16th July 1945 at 5.30 PM the nuclear experiment took place which remained successful and USA had superiority upon Germany in the race of nuclear experiments. To win the race of nuclear experiments USA had a team of the best scientists of the world over. German and Japan were two main countries who posed serious security threat to America. Germans had a Psychological defeat, while Japan still stood with full force to challenge American’s nuclear hegemony. Japan intoxicated with technological power attacked America’s pearl harbour. Before this attack USA had no interest to participate the Second World War.
After having the nuclear technology the USA was, also, intoxicated with power superiority and believed strongly that it can force every country of the world to knee down before her. Being severely exasperated with the Japan’s attack on pearl harbor, it dropped on 6th August 1945 the most dangerous weapon – Atom Bomb – on Heroshema and on 9th August 1945 at Nagasaki which turned the both biggest cities into ashes, within the blink of eyes. With this nuclear attack on Japan USA made the Japan and Germany to retreat in utter disappointment. According to some sane brains of the world if Japan had not attacked the pearl harbor the race of nuclear technology might not had gained momentum and the picture of the world had different than that today.Operation trinity is considered responsible for nuclear race and massive destruction of humanity. Seeing the massive destruction of American nuclear weapons the whole humanity initiateda race of having nuclear weapons for national security. Nuclear power trends initiated cold war between USSR and USA,having nuclear superiority meant to have the nuclear capacity to cause more and more damage to defensive projects of each other.
Nuclear race is not solely between the two big elephants, every country, small or big, had assumed that its national security is in Jeopardy so long as it had the nuclear weapons. This race might bring massive destruction to the mankind. Massive destruction clouds loom large on the world. Sane brains of the world be close headed to devise ways and means to save mankind from unseen massive destruction – a horrible phenomenon which human eyes might not see.

Malik Muhammad AslamAwan
(The writer is author of English Book on current affairs and independent
analyst based at Islamabad)
Cell #: 0313-0063450, 0301-4315111

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