Racism Is A Pandemic

By: Mehwish Khan Zubia Faisal
“Ignorance is stubborn and prejudice is hard.”
~ Adlai E. Stevenson.

From “BLACK LIVES MATTER” to “ASIAN AMERICANS”, racism never stops its chain of aiming people even in this global pandemic situation. Racism itself is a pandemic existing much longer than this disease. Racism makes people feel sorry for being born a certain way, of having a particular skin colour. Racism, also known as racialism, the conviction that people might be divided into separate and individual biological entities called “races”; that there is a causal connection between the inherited physical traits and traits of personality, wisdom, modesty, and other behavioral and cultural characteristics. It is the belief that groups of humans owns various behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and can be dependent on the superiority of one race over another. It might likewise mean prejudice, discrimination, or opposition coordinated against other people since they are of a separate ethnicity. Racism has no scientific explanation, and racist people are entirely ignorant about the feelings of other human beings. Evolutionary psychology attempts to explain the current human characteristics with the benefits they might have brought to our ancestors. If a trait survives and prevails, evolution must be used to “select” related genes. The reality is that racism (and all forms of xenophobia) has no genetic or evolutionary basis, however, it is essentially a mental feature or a mental defence mechanism produced with the aid of using emotions of lack of confidence and fear. Studies have shown that people who remind themselves of death feel fear and insecurity, and their response to this is to become easier to seek identity, materialism, greed, prejudice and aggression. Establish a relationship with their nationality or ethnicity and determine their identity. There are seven forms of racism. Symbolic, ideological, discourse power, interactive, institutional, structural and systemic racism.These are a few factors that contribute in spreading racism: Factions, Segregation,Power, Media, Hierarchy, Passivism.


We should inspect our own biases, stereotypes, and qualities, volunteer to work on projects with groups not the same as our own. It has been tracked down that working close by a minority as an equivalent assists with annihilating biases and generalizations. Be a good partner of them. Be active in acquainting your kids with communicating and learning from children of other tones, before biases become a trend. Raise your kinds to comprehend concepts such as prejudice, discrimination, and racism. Be an anti-racist parent. Reach out, support survivors of discrimination; go along with them in upholding for reasonable treatment. Stand up whenever you witness racial discrimination. Be an ally towards victims. When you see racial oppression, stand up and object. Be willing to challenge your family, companions, and neighbors when they make racial jokes or insults or act in a manner that demonstrates prejudice. Serve on gatherings and panels that have a multicultural plan.
Join groups, associations, and organizations that represent for the balance of opportunity, social equity, anti-discrimination, and antiracism. As an associate, parent, neighbor or teacher, you can instruct others to esteem variety and multiculturalism. Educate yourself and as well as other people on a continuous premise, understanding books, seeing motion pictures, and going to hear minority speakers to edify, educate, and free us from our fanaticism. Be a good student.Do not be embarrassed about your social legacies. Do perceive both positive and negative aspects of your gatherings; know your qualities and limits. Take a functioning part in characterizing your Whiteness in a nonracist way and live by these recently discovered principles.
We should never judge others for the way they look or for the way they speak. All people are born equal, and nothing can change that. Narrow-minded thoughts like racism should have extinguished with the increase in educated people and the intermixing of various races. Still, sadly, such behavior is the blatant reality and shows no signs of toning down. But Following these suggestions will enlighten and expand comfort and mindfulness in discussing about race issues by instructors, guardians, and their students and children.

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1 Comment

  1. Muhammad Akram Zaheer
    May 24, 2021

    Yeah Racism is another pandemic which is a cause of insecurity and uncertainty. The world and the civilized nations have failed to eliminate