Students’ academic future after matriculation

It is a common observation that after matriculation, both students and parents face a critical stage for the future. In developed areas, as parents and students are aware of the situation, counseling facilities are available. It is easy for a student to decide which subjects to choose in the future which will be useful in his future, but in backward areas this decision is not only difficult but also due to unintentional decision not only by the student choosing wrong subjects. He gets into trouble and sometimes pushes himself into the darkness of the future. When the student realizes this mistake, a lot of time has passed. In this situation, the student sometimes feels guilty and even the parents. He is forever lost in the darkness of the future by imagining his destiny by holding him responsible, the purpose of his life is only to pass the time because his God-given ability, talent, desires and the education he has received have nothing to do with each other. There is no doubt in the fact that the financial resources of parents are important in the current educational race They play a role, but the main thing is the mental capacity of the student. In this situation, the decision should be made keeping in view the mental capacity, ability and interest of the student, as most of our people belong to the backward class whose children get education only for the sake of getting a job. Education is not a guarantee of better employment but it is certainly helpful. It is a different matter that the rulers are not playing their role in regularly planning human resources and providing guidance to the students keeping in view the requirements of the future. Will the employment opportunities be available for those who dream of not only spending hard work, time and financial resources but also growing up dreaming, and it is also true that dreaming and practical reality in our society I think the only period of education is that as soon as the education is completed, employment will be on the doorstep, but when
In real life, dreams are thieves. Not only the student but the whole family sinks into the mire of failure. In a situation where there is a lack of guidance from the authorities, future education and employment plans are missing, students Parents and students themselves are responsible for the entire decision of the future of education. In these circumstances, if a teacher can show responsibility and give appropriate advice, then it is not less than a good deed, but the whole of the right advice. It is important that the counselor is fully aware of the country’s economic situation, educational situation, the financial condition of the student’s family and the student’s ability, qualification and interest, is fully aware of all the conditions, if not impossible then difficult Yes, in this case the marks obtained in the student’s matriculation are considered as the standard and usually the teachers and parents decide the academic future of the student by considering them as the standard.
Nowadays, education in medical, engineering, commerce and information technology is considered a guarantee of success in the future. Now it depends on the financial status of the student’s parents and the student. The personal interest of knowledge is more on the marks obtained in matriculation. Below is a preferred outline service keeping in view the current situation in this regard which does not provide complete guidance but certainly provides support, deciding the student’s academic field. Parents, students and teachers can use this time if they think it is appropriate. This sketch provides guidance only in terms of marks obtained in matriculation.
Numbers Obtained in Matriculation Number Future Strategy / Educational
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90% and above FSC. Pre-medical group.
81% to 89% FSC-Pre-Engineering.
75% to 80% Education, Information Technology, Law, Commerce etc.
60% to 75% three-year diploma in any technology.
Try to get a job based on less than 60% matriculation and also pursue General Education (FA / BA) so that your departmental advancement is possible. Parents must acknowledge the fact that higher vocational education is a financial resource. It is a natural process to dream of a better future, but it is realistic to have a mirror of the future in front of your children with your financial resources in mind because planning beyond your means is the first step to failure. May Allah Almighty provide abundant sustenance to all so that the dreams of both parents and children may be fulfilled, and may God grant this country such resources that the total cost of education should be borne by the government itself instead of the parents. You can make a decision based on your mental capacity.
Malik Mohammad Sadiq
M.Phil (Management Sciences)
MBA (Human Resource Management) MA (Economics), LLB)

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