Taliban’s Expected Power Priorities and Relations with Other Countries

Talibans expected power priorities

The Taliban’s expected power priorities and relations with other countries
Islamabad (Soon Times) The Taliban are claiming control of 264 districts of Afghanistan, including most of the country’s border areas, while Afghan forces are increasingly surrendering in good faith. Countries that have been fighting the Taliban for 20 years are now looking to the Taliban, as well as countries conspiring on Afghan soil to other countries, including India. In an interview with V Channel, he said that India refrained from providing arms to Afghan troops. The spokesman added that Afghan territory would not be allowed to be used against any country. Referring to other issues, the spokesman said that we want better relations with the world and have started work on the construction and development of Afghanistan. He added that the rights of all, including women, would be taken care of.

Large-scale migration of Afghan citizens is a major issue at the moment, with the Taliban urging Afghans not to leave the country. Referring to Pakistan, the Taliban spokesman clarified that no organization, including the TTP, would be allowed to use Afghan territory.

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