Tayyip Erdogan, The Tiger of Iqbal

Allama Muhammad Iqbal’s dreams envisaged Muslims the tiger of all ages, as their ancestors had risen from the deserts of Saudi Peninsula and enveloped the horizon of the world, spread the light of Islam to every nook and corner of the world. They were not only brave soldiers but also the embodiments of knowledge, softness, peace lovers, simplicity and so cultured and paradigm of Islamic teachings. At first glance Islamic Tigers seem to be uncultured, exhibiting poignant sarcasm towards humanity but spending sometime with them, were later on considered the most precious asset and their demeanor combined with their personality revealed upon opponents, they first time met the most polished sophisticated, cultured charismatic creature of the time. Even Hindus, who were anguish of Islam, later on, became stalwart champions of the teachings of Islam. True Muslim does not force or practice coercion to subvert other religions but others follow him, realizing an emblem of piety and the most accomplished creature of God Almighty. Islam does not portray paradoxical ideas but a day – like fact.
Allama Muhammad Iqbal throughout the spirit of his poetry dreamt of “Mard-e-Momin” who would bear the torch of Islam and spread the light of Islam to every nook and corner of the world. Tariq bin Ziad invaded Spain and reaching on the soil of Spain ordered his soldiers to burn the boats. Soldiers asked their commander, how would we return back, Tariq the prestigious commander, replied we are not here to return but to die, don’t think of going back. He conquered Spain in short span of time and hurled the banner of Islam all over Spain.
Muhammad Bin Qasim invaded Sindh defeated Raja Dahir and established Muslim rule all over Sindh. He was also, the Hero of Hindus. Hindus considered him the Saviour, as they were fatigued of the atrocities of their Hindu rulers.
Musa Bin Naseer held the banner of Islam and spread it in Africa. Ghazi Salah-ud-Din Ayoobi was an illustrious commander who served as commander of Noor-ud-Din Zangi and after the death of Noor-ud-Din Zangi as disciple of his master Salah-ud-Din Ayoobi followed strictly the footprints of Noor-ud-Din Zangi. His achievements for the Muslim World will ever remain a great source of inspiration for generations to come. Muslim historians take pride in writing his brave deeds, devotion, dedication and sacrifices. The list of his brave deeds is incessant and uncountable.
In the seventies Bhutto emerged as a leader who had the calibre to lead the Muslims all over the world. He was a man of unmatched wisdom and acumen. His unparalleled, charismatic leadership qualities made him an outstanding figure amongst all the Muslim leaders of the age. But world powers disgust had no space for Muslim’s brilliant leader who may lead them to a unified block to counter the Anti Muslim school of thought. Apparently in a murder case he was hanged to death, yet the facts reveal that he was entangled in a criminal case but assassinated as punishment for his crime of dream to see the Muslims under the Umbrella of a Muslim block. Although Bhutto has been assassinated, yet his thoughts and vision is still alive and intelligentsia still find him amongst themselves.
God Almighty has endowed the Muslims with his benevolence, a great leader in the form of Tayyip Edrogan, who had unparalleled vision to lead the Muslims all around the globe. Nature creates a human being and pass him through thick and thin to let him develop into a charismatic being, then entrust him with a special task. The same is in the case of Recep Tayyip Erdogan who has been assigned a task by God Almighty, to lead the Muslim world in the age of disillusionment. Now Muslim World is a target of conspiracies hatched by the west and the person of Sharp vision, Tayyip Erdogan had the capacity to keep the Muslims, all over the world, out of imbroglio and the imbecility caused to be imbedded in Muslim minds by west that their fate will always be in the hands of the west and Muslims cannot be a super nation of the world as their forefathers enjoyed the prestigious position of being the conquerors of two world powers “Kaisor-o-Kasra and the 86 lac square miles of the world were tramped under their feet. Muslims all around the globe have pinned high hopes in the personality of Tayyip Erdogan that he will be their savior and the Muslims will again see the renaissance of Islam, under his unmatched leadership.

Malik Muhammad Aslam Awan
(The writer is a journalist, author of English Book on current affairs
and independent analyst based in Lahore)
E-mail: mlkaslamawan@gmail.com
Gulshan-e-Riaz Colony, Bund Road, Lahore. Cell #: 0313-0063450

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