Time to Reconsider our Direction

By: Rafi Qureshi
So often, one gets perplexed to see how our educational system is functioning without getting in touch with the needs of the modern age.
Our curriculum, very sadly, doesn’t come up to the mark to equip the students with the stuff, required to run with the pace, the contemporary world is going on.
Speaking honestly, the only purpose here for getting education is to achieve a good job, that is not bad too, but we need to promote a genuine culture that grooms the mental proficiency level of a student too. Coming across with a number of students to get above ninety percentage, what simply seems to be lacking on their part is to be void of having any sense of national issues whether social, political or economical. Let us be honest enough in confessing that the students are not to be held responsible for this inefficacy, since we don’t have such stuff in our curriculum to get them updated to that extent which lets them have a reasonable grip to analyze these sorts of issues on some certain reasons.
First of all, the most unfortunate factor in this regard is, our curriculum hasn’t been updated as per the need of the hour. We have in our courses the lessons to be taught for decades with nothing in them to develop the capability of a student to compete at any level.
Secondly, our entire system of assessment revolves around cramming. The students are bound to believe in copy/paste strategy.
Frankly speaking, the students, now, cannot afford to read novels or any literary stuff. They have only to focus on their studies that never lets them think of even what is happening around in their very town. The capability and capacity of competition within them has been limited to clinch maximum marks, that’s impossible to have a broader way of taking things around. What simply matters is to get a good job rather than having an educational sense
Doubtlessly, this is pretty much damaging in long term. We are not going to have schloarly figures in reasonable number in the years to come which might cost us very heavily.
Let’s go for the options that can be somehow pragmatic in creating a silver lining in the dark clouds of doubt and despair.
Here the management of institutions can play a vital role by taking some extraordinary steps to go against the flow that’s going to get us drowned in an unfathomable sea.
The management of schools and colleges should focus on the mental and perceptional growth of students by encouraging them to have their view point on the issues to be taking place around them. There must be regular classes within the regular studies to promote the real sense of a national character, that definitely lies in the fact of giving students the chance to express their feelings in front of their fellows.
So, the long and the short of all this discourse is, it depends on our level of commitment to do something different. We have to play our role even if it is equal to a drop of rain. The elevation of nations is in the hands of individuals if they go responsible. And we need to promote and project this undeniable reality that the only option left with us to lift the spirit of a genuine national role is to invest in the internal up gradation of our students who are the future of nation, and upon their shoulders, there is the dignity of their homeland.

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