By: Sehna Saleem
Yesterday I was reading a book by great writer Shobhaa De “Surviving Men” that is very wonderful book I would suggest everyone of you must read this book so that you may know the difference of man and woman duties and more things as well and must recognize your duties being man and woman. Before yesterday I was having the same fantasy thought in my mind that yes we are equally enjoying the same rights but I was totally wrong. After going through this book I have Raised in my mind many questions why only woman is the supervisor of kitchen why man isn’t? Why only woman change diapers of children why man can’t do? Why only woman have to keep records of electricity bills, she have to bother her self to attend childrens’ school meetings. She have to take care of garden’s plants and even painted walls of their house is that paint is peeling or not? Here I will put a big why for all men who will read this blog WHY???
And when that silly woman began to pay electricity bills by herself than you got angry by yelling at her that who allowed you to take charge of my house? Now you will run the house you the poor creature a woman will run the house wow!!! Additionally when that woman requests you to attend parents meeting at children school then you often respond her by saying that I have no time for such rubbish things I am here just to attend those useless meetings? When these children get low grade in exams then you again start blame games and put all false allegations on woman that you are the one who never paid attention to our children not even bother to go and have meeting with teachers? How strange it is how man is superior he use his superiority just to show his power. And that superior man of modern world want educated and job holder wife. After getting married to educated and job holder girl a man forgot about her existence while on the other hand she is walking side by side to cope all the expenses of home to reduce the stress of her husband. Both are returning from workplace at exactly the same time but it’s only the duty of woman to go to kitchen and cook food for her husband who had worked so hard in the office. She has to clean house and has to complete other house chores. The only duty of tired and hard working husband at that time is just to turn on TV and pay full attention to headlines meanwhile a child began to cry and that tired husband start to yell at her wife; where are you? Take your stubborn child with yourself I am here just to relax some time not to hear the screaming of this child. Then this stubborn child becomes only her usually husbands have the same behavior the child which is nice and well behaved nature they attributes that child with them while the crying child is only of woman. That unjust behavior should be eradicated from each corner of the world. After completing all the orders given by husband at the end of day a wife will think that it was my fault. I was the reason due to which my husband got upset and couldn’t relax properly. Here I will give advice to woman as well, never think that you are always the reason for man’s bad mood. I agree that we being woman are fully packed with emotions but not let your emotions to make you inferior being or let you feel like a sinner. Do recognize your worth you are not made to bear only frustration of your husband. And husbands should also be survivor of their wives and family. Don’t ruin your beloved wife’s day by yelling at her just because of child is crying. She is serving you she is making your home a peaceful place. She is up bringing your children. Be kind to her she needs time to relax but she haven’t showed you that she is tired she haven’t uttered a word of frustration in front of you. She remains busy just to make you happy take care of her. She deserve your attention your and love.
Woman are treated as Poor creature