Agricultural extension and its effects on farm productivity and income

Aneeqa Muneer and Dr. Muhammad Yaseen
Department of Agricultural Extension,
College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Pakistan.
Agricultural extension is the practice in which we warn the farmers through new education, bring them to the modern way or exclude their old customs, teach them new technology and makes them practice. If the basic purpose of agriculture extension is to be photographed then it means to feed such information among farmers which is beneficial for them and increases the yield of their crop. If it is talked about keeping everything in mind, then the main purpose of the agricultural extension is to, maintain the agricultural production.

Decline causing factors in agriculture production

Pakistan’s landowner is the most household among all the owners of the world but unfortunately, we have to say that its Resources are gone.
We should tell about the factors which are causing the decrease in the agricultural yield. There uncultivable area in Pakistan. Land that remains tenable, there is also a lot of fragmentation in it, and subdivision of landholdings become to occur. As an outcome, modern technology cannot be applied in our agriculture sector, and as a result, there is a decrease in agricultural productivity. Waterlogging and salinity is another issue. In this case, Minerals, and salts above ground are assembled in the form of a layer. Because of which a lot of irrigated land bereft of cultivation and the agricultural productivity of the country becomes less. There is also a decrease in agricultural productivity due to the slow growth of Allied products.

At present, the hectare yield is the lowest in Pakistan. The only reason for this is that Pakistan is not abandoning its old and conventional laws. i.e, the methods of cultivation and cutting the crop are the same that belonged to our father’s grandfather. These Adequate Infrastructures of Pakistan are having a great impact on the lives of people. There is still a shortage of electricity in the countryside. Apart from this, there is also a scarcity of appropriate water and the chances of cleanliness are nothing Important.
If we talk about uneconomic landholdings, then the growing population is the biggest factor in this. By increasing the population, the land is divided into whole inheritance. As an effect, the area for cultivation is less before and the machinery used from above is also seen to be old. It gets all the factors and reduces production. Modern inputs of Pakistan Like high yielding variety seeds, chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and mechanized machinery, All these things are not only expensive, Rather, Pakistan is not even involved in the rituals. Plant the population is the main reason for low crop yield. There is a huge difference between the production of saturated plants and the production of damp crops. Therefore, fewer rains and continuous drought provide a lot of damage for the farmers.

Factors enhancing farm productivity

Supplying a good variety of improved seeds that are suitable for a particular area, is a very important contribution that can secure a high crop yield. Fertilizers should be used to make sure. Nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus accelerates the disaster of crops, due to which it is increased. Apart from this, we should adopt such technology which is now at the level of the irrigation and also fill the water requirement of the plant. Utilizing the setup of the infrastructure which holds the capital equipment for the functioning of the area or country such as recycling systems and piping systems that can improve farm storage and delivery systems.

The agriculture Sector only then can maintain high levels of productivity If manure and fertilizers and biofertilizers are used together in an equal combination. This will also prevent the environment from being exhausted and polluted and natural resources of the environment will also be used. Herbicides are used to avoid the growth of unwanted plants in crops. Unwanted plants are those that steal their nutrients from the crop. Therefore, Herbicides should be used so that the crop yield becomes the maximum.

Implementation of land reforms should be practiced to boost production, the land reforms are the first point. We should use tractors and machines that smooths the rough farming area and make the work on the ground easier. We should adopt the method of interplant which is the best way to maximize productivity by covering the growing space. Apart from this, the easiest way to improve the productivity of the crop is Plants that should be planted very close to each other because of which a lot of plants will get up on the work ground. By cropping patterns or by mixed cropping, i.e, to grow two or more crops at the same place at the same time reduces the risk of a crop failure, and the chances of productivity being increased also increase. The method of Raised beds can be very important in increasing the yield of crops. Smart water management should also be implemented sprinkler irrigation system and canals tube wells should be used.

Heat tolerant varieties should be used which have the power to maintain their yield even in high-temperature. Seed is used as an important character in the farms and good seeds are a great way to increase productivity. Medicines and insecticides that play an important character in the Protection of crops should also be used to treat the crops. I would say that the government should raise steps alerting the farmers and ride the duty of his technical staff to ensure the support of pesticides and insecticides and increase crop yield.

Factors enhancing income

The way to increase income through farm productivity brought no change in the system, but it also helps to increase the production of food a little and the income of farmers’ family is also increased invariably This method i.e, small but supportable increase in food which farmers already using, should use local soil fertility enhancers, For example, organic fertilizer, animal Manure, and nitrogen-fixing plant biomass, etc. Segregated from this, the method of plant selection should be improved. Plant Varieties should be increased Which farmers are already using and some pests and disease control should be introduced in them as well.

Apart from this, the variety of plant varieties that farmers are already using should be used. One thing should be kept in mind that the plants that are being used are openly polluted that is, to be easily reproducible on the farm rather than a hybrid, which the formers will have to buy every year from the head production. This method should often be combined with seed production and improvement to make it easier for the forward to maintain germplasm for years.

If there is a basic need for food and income, if it is being fulfilled, then the farmer should take steps for a cash crop, which will be an additional requirement. We can run this as a small-scale agribusiness that can develop farm family progress.

Also, we should introduce mechanical solutions which reduce the labor time per production. Instead of manually planting crops, Plant with a mechanical planter In this time, the production will be more in less time and the income will also be more. I would like to say that such systems should be engaged which will speed up the implementation of small-scale production with higher potential income.

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