Soon Times Correspondent
While giving a press conference at National Press Club Islamabad, Blue World City Chairman Chaudhry Saad Nazir and CEO Chaudhry Naeem Ejaz said that Blue World City is located in the controlled area of FATA, therefore RDA and Rawalpindi district. The operation of the administration is illegal, the Blue World City project launched in 2017, because of former PTI key members Sarwar Khan, Zulfi Bukhari, Shahzad Akbar, Tariq Murtaza, Usman Buzdar, Aamir Kayani, Imran Ismail and Wasiq Qayyum. The project started late, many of these people had demanded crores, this area is a brown area, Zulfi Bukhari’s father asked for four crore rupees to invite Ertugrul to Pakistan, the real estate sector would have played an important role in the development of Pakistan. Yes, we want to make this area like Dubai, Capital Smart City has already signed an agreement, Mian Amir Mahmood will also join us very soon, the real estate sector can pay off the entire debt of Pakistan, the army chief is requested that real Allow the state to grow, he further said that we started this project from four hundred kanals which has now reached two lakhs. And allowed further planning in 2019, where our plan is, this land was barren, it was not a revenue yielding land, we started this project with four hundred kanals, which has now reached two lakhs at different times. There were operations against us, after which we went to the courts, we wrote letters to all the reliable institutions that you are being given wrong information, the district administration and the police have been taking action against the societies for the last one week, for taking unjustified action against us. is trying, it has been five years since Blue World City came, four hundred and twenty seven kanals of land has been taken with the approval of Rawalpindi Development Authority. Even though we have all the documents, the Rawalpindi administration is trying to act wrongly.
Operation of the RDA in Blue World City is illegal, CEO