Police, fault lines and remedies

By: Gulfam Tarar Advocate
People pay huge amounts of money in the form of direct and indirect taxation to the state in order to live a happy life in which they can enjoy liberty, equality, and also prosperity. State through its law enforcement agencies ensures the utmost happiness of its denizens. Unfortunately, the Pakistani state has remained failed to a large extent to fulfill its responsibility regarding it’s subjects. As far as law-enforcing institutions are concerned, they do not work in their limits as enshrined in the constitution of Pakistan. Political involvement during recruitment and appointment of police personnel, meager perks and privileges, scarcity of funds for investigation, slow as well as the cumbersome process of promotion, lacunaes in criminal justice system and most importantly inadequate modes of training are all contributing factors behind the illegal and immoral activities of policemen. It is pertinent to mention here that Pakistan-Tehreek-insaf had provided a ray of hope to the people of Pakistan regarding the abolition of prevailing cruel police culture and introduction of police reforms. Sad to say that Imran khan’s government has done nothing so far to fulfill it’s promise with it’s voters. However, worsening situation of law and order can be improved and people’s confidence in the ability of police can be rebuilt if political leaders are willing to end their unjustifiable and illegal involvement in the matters of police. Government should introduce transparent mechanism to select competent people. Their training should be on modern standards and should be provided modern technology to eradicate culture of torture to show their performance. At the same time, huge funds are needed to secure autonomy of department and to curtail influence of magnates. Similarly, posting and transfer of police officials should be based on merit not on the whim of members of parliament and provincial assemblies. Further, policemen faces different kinds of inquiries and investigations and are labeled as corrupt without any final report by concerned authorities. These are the tactics of blackmailers having deep roots in society as well as in department to demoralize honest and competent officers. In order to protect them from humiliation, cases should be registered against those who file fake applications against them. Furthermore, manpower of department should be increased to limit duty hours of police personnel which will enhance their working efficiency and improve their performance. Last but not least , strict departmental accountability mechanism is required to check the abuse of power by officials. Exemplary punishments should be introduced for corrupt officers and for those who misuse their powers. All the hearings by service tribunals should be recorded so that competent courts can also penalize those officers who give undue favour to their fellow members.

The writer is a Lawyer

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