The beggar’s coin needs greed

By : Syed Ali Abbas Kazmi
The knife in the camel’s elbow does not have as much black effect as the black food that comes to those who do not feed others (Hazrat Ali). The curses of hunger in the world make their mother happy. Hunger is a crime. Hunger is a crime. Hunger makes Ismat a merchant. Hunger teaches a lesson of falsehood. They are not as miserable as the shopkeepers who book a cold room as high as the people who donate. Mantu!
In ancient Greece, some of the Talib-i-Ilam who knew how to read there used to read Talib-i-Ilam there in the evenings, singing a special kind of black cloth and making a bone in the back to beg for bread. The beggars had a special identity and the natives of Greece used to pay for the education of these educated students so that they would not have to work hard and focus on their studies and acquire good knowledge to become something. And in the time to come, raise the name of yours and your nation. From that time until today, this intellectual Europe has become like a high industry. For example, a man would become a contractor, go to Sweden and hire a fakir from other countries, take him to his country and ask him for a pinny and collect from him in the evening and pay him for this work. Pinny has now become a regular profession for AS. And the beggars of this profession also do fakir chakari which is the reason for the increase in crime.
Muslims, Hindus, Christians, Buddhists may find this fiqh in every religion but Sikhism is not a high fiqh because if these Sikhs do not follow the rules of 1. (Japo i.e. worship) 2. (Kirat karo i.e. work hard) ) 3. (Vand kha i.e. eat together) and Sikhs never break these rules made by their ancestors and do not allow names to be broken. That is why there is no fakir among the Sikhs.
The thing to think about is that Faqiri, that is, to reach out to someone else, should be a place to drown in shame. According to a survey, the number of beggars in Pakistan is 2.5 million and 24 percent of Pakistan’s population lives below the poverty line. Due to this the fakir is increasing day by day. And in a city like Karachi, one out of every 100 people begs. Truth be told, if a person’s hands and feet are safe, then he is healthy, and yet he is deliberately deceived and lies and becomes an orphan and a miserable person. Why don’t people look at beggars with great contempt and hatred because people today know very well that they are not beggars on purpose? Nowadays, well-wishers have become a business and a profession and people who eat and drink well have not entered this profession. Regularly allocating places (hospital, hotel, and city signs), there are no contracts for places and no mafia group is formed. There is always a contractor who sees and tastes all these fake fakirs and beggars. That this place is yours and this place is another places and both of them will not go to each other’s place. These two fake beggars did not come and killed the rights of the real and insolvent people.
Another thing that has come to light is that some of today’s feet have also started this work. The way it happens is that after some time these feet do not go to their followers and put loudspeakers on the vehicle and get the latest. The foot has come, the foot has come, all the disciples walk towards the foot and start giving him money, tikka, flour bait in the name of Shrini. If Shrini is small, then the foot says that he should do Urs and donate. In the name of the langar from the goods lu khade ne and straighten your mind and go and go. And then the disciples become so wise and prudent that they do not pick up the dust attached to their feet and kiss it but eat it (Astaghfirullah).
Fear of non-Allah and Mehta or you asking for it has made Muslim governments angry. West Pakistan is a beggar under Badosh Ordinance 158. There are no sheep that help these mafia groups to run this business. The government should work with Kalhi to eradicate this fistula from the face of the earth. At the same time, we should not do good to such bad people who would discourage them. As a separate Muslim nation, we need to come out of false pretenses to deviate from other religions and become Muslims. As a matter of fact, our Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his Holy Prophet (PBUH) have taught us a lesson of hard work with their hadiths and injunctions and we should prove that we are a good nation. Great steps must be taken at the national level to put an end to evil.
The Writer is a student of M.A (IR) at the University of Sargodha.
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