Adabs of Islam Changing Lives from Negative to Positive

By: Sehrish Yasir
Manners of conduct are set and made in this world to lead a life with optimism and positive attitude without being harm by anybody living around. Manners of conducts and rules are aimed to bring peace and prosperity in everyone’s life. When we talk about religious code of conduct Islam is the religion that comes to everyone’s mind at the foremost place. Here, we are to discuss that up to what extent manners of conduct (Adabs of Islam) succeed to change our aspect of life from negative to positive. In this regard, it is notable that when Islam was brought in Arab countries, a number of issues had been resolved. To understand the influence of Islam and it teachings on life we have to evaluate the situation, practices and troubles of pre-Islamic society. Additionally, it should be understood that Adabs of Islam are defined in the Holy Book of Quran that is a complete code of life and it actually upholds the theory of life, while the beloved prophet of Allah, Muhammad PBUH has set the practical example for us to show how can we bring change in our life by following Islamic teachings as per the guidance of Holy Quran.
From the historic data, it has observed that before Islam the situation of Arab country and their people was terrible. The people were cruel, illiterate and they had no manner or rules to follow in their lives. For instance, if we talk about the status of women in pre-Islamic society it is evident from the scholarly researches that before the advent of Islam women were highly devalued in societies. Attitude of men towards women was extremely awful as women had no dignity, no position or honor in the society. Prior to Islam, status of women was sighted as nothing, but a household good. Women, before the advent of Islam was treated as animal and bought and sold like any other non-living thing (Khan). Overall criterion was that women was considered as a hateful object, birth of a girl in any family was considered as a curse and people used to bury their daughters alive after birth.
Muhammad PBUH who brought Islamic teachings in Arabs’ lives showed them a bright side of life and helped bring justice, trustworthiness and positivity in them through Quranic verses revealed upon him by Almighty Allah. For instance, regarding equality of men and women in Islam. Quran states ” And when the female (infant) buried alive-is questioned for what crime she was killed” [Nobel Quran: 81].
In another verse, it is said “O Mankind, keep your duty to your Lord, who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate (of the same kind) and from them twain has spread a multitude of men and women” [Nobel Quran 4:1].
In this verse, it is clearly mentioned that men and women both are of the same kind, and no one is superior over other. Islamic teachings have taught all followers that God does not judge its people with their money, fame or gender, but actions of a person decides good and bad for him. It has been repeatedly stated in different verses of Quran to emphasize the equality of men and women in sight of God.
On the other side, there were literal killings in Arab society due to competition and comparison; people were killing their own brothers for the sake of money, goods and wealthy materials. However, Muhammad PBUH tried his level best to remove all such unethical activities from the society, in an authentic Hadith the Prophet Muhammad said: “Look up to one who is greater in piety so you strive to be like him and look upon one who is below you in material status so that you may be thankful to Allah’s Grace” (Siddiqui, 2013). Such adabs of Islam are meant to make people realize the importance of equality among human beings, where Quran works as a compass to show right direction.
Furthermore, the most negative of all issues was illiteracy, as there was no concept of education among the people; they used to worship 360 idols of stone and wood. Then, when Muhammad PBUH brought Islam to the society through Quranic teachings and convince them to turn to most pious religion of Islam a number of people understood the importance of gaining knowledge and education. He has taught his people the best way of living life with the obligations of Allah, through his actions, simplicity, worship and fear of Allah (Akhtar). The word Quran means to recite and the first word of this holy book revealed upon the Prophet (PBUH) was “Iqra” means to read or recite (Muadoodi). It shows that how explicitly Allah and his holy messenger emphasized the importance of education. If we understand these commandments from practical viewpoint, we can see that education is the basis of all success, peace and justice in the society and that is how a negative person can mold his thoughts and attitude positive.
Manners of conduct (adabs of Islam) have solution to every possible problem or issue, humans could have on this earth. It means that Islamic teachings have not left even a little space for negativity. However, where there was a collective negativity in people’s daily life now the same Arab people are leading most graceful, mannered and positive life. They all are away from all kinds of negativity and they just have positivity in their lives. The lives of Arabs in Saudi Arabia and positivity in their lives is an example and proof for all of us to witness how Adabs of Islam succeed to change our aspect of life from negative to positive status.

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