The Lost Heaven And Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi

Malik Muhammad Aslam AwanSome enemies of Islam hatch conspiracies against Islam and the Holy Prophet. Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi emerged as the top- most defender of the honour of the Holy Prophet (SAW). He was an ardent speaker and stalwart defender of the honour of the Last Prophet. He was so cautious about blasphemy as a staunch muslim might be. Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi had passed away but he had rekindled the lights of the love of the Last Prophet in the hearts of millions of Muslims – who are a great asset of Islam. Millions of Muslims gathered at his funeral ceremony and paid him their humble tribute for the love of Holy Prophet. He has gone but has planted a sapling of the love of Holy Prophet in the hearts of Muslims which would grow young, ramify and sprout with the passage of time. No doubt he is the great son of Islam whose services for Islam would be remembered till centuries to come. Dignitaries like him appear on the horizon of Islam after centuries and disseminate a lesson to be remembered till the doomsday. He shone on the horizon of Islam for a little time but the precious lesson he has disseminated to the sons of Islam is so formidable and strong that even hurricanes against Islam cannot cause even a little damage to its glorious edifice.
No doubt Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi was a great scholar, who had profound knowledge of Islam. He remembered several thousand Hadith and whole of Quran by heart, which he quoted with the verses of Allama Muhammad Iqbal (RA) and adequately illustrated the visionary approach of Islam. Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi was fully conversant with the vision of Allama Muhammad Iqbal (RA). Listening his sermons, one might have developed an opinion that Rizvi Sahib were of the same school of thought as that of Iqbal. Both derived pleasure and inspiration from the love of Muhammad (SAW), the ages of both luminaries were different but thoughts were interwoven and of the same source of immeasurable and unfathomable love towards the Last Prophet. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) had made it evidently clear upon every muslim that one cannot have true faith unless and until he love Muhammad (SAW) more than ones relatives even his own soul. Allama Khadim Hussain is no more amongst us but his love with the Last Prophet would keep him alive forever amongst the Muslims all around the globe.
Scientists, intellectuals, sages of the ages after deliberations, rumination and centuries long deep down research have come to the conclusive result that mankind is to have reward of good deeds and punishment for bad deeds. Some people have derived their own dogmatic belief that the universe came into existence with the burst of a dot in which the whole universe was pent up and the pent up pressure caused a big bang and the burst of dot is the cause of the creation of the universe. It is evident that same atheists derive pleasure in their illusive thought to denote the cause of the creation of the universe. It is astonishing that they don’t believe in the power behind the cause of bursting power – Allah Almighty.
Self creation of anything is impossible and against the law of nature. Same condition which has taken innumerable years to arrive at, has been illustrated by the Prophets of God Almighty sent from time to time to teach and preach the humanity that there is a single being who is the Creator of whole universe. The last Prophet Muhammad (SAW) had elaborated the message of God Almighty in well defined way. Quran-e-Majeed, is a complete code of life. A precious asset of Hedith is ample guidance to lead pious life leading every follower straight to the Heaven, which the father of mankind – Hazrat Adam (AS) – had lost due to a sin, he was descended on earth as punishment where he led his mundane life and remained ashamed of Allah Almighty due to his non-compliance of Divine order.
Before the advent of Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) the whole mankind was in the age of darkness, even Arabs used to bury their daughters alive due to their belief that the birth of a daughter might cause damage to their honour. In the same way they did not give due honour and respect to womenfolk. Muhammad (SAW) taught them they were doing heinous sins against the will of Almighty Allah. The Last Prophet’s teachings made them respect the womenfolk and treat them as their half-being. Islam is a religion which taught the whole mankind the rights of women. In Islam womenfolk enjoy privileged position. Golden principles of Islam are Divine dictated, not the thoughts or principles of any human being. Our prophet Muhammad (SAW) never spoke a single word except the will of God Almighty. Allama Khadim Rizvi had been rewarded with Heaven due to his love with the Last Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
It is Divine will that Allah Almighty is kind enough to send a religious personality in every century to refurbish and revive the teachings of Islam so that the virtuous people may not forget the message of the Last Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and get relapse into the dire oblivion of pre-Islamic age. Allama Khadim Hussain Rizvi was a God gifted personality who held the torch of Islam, the love of God Almighty, the love of Last Prophet to bequeath his invaluable asset to the sons of Islam and led them to the path of lost Heaven, the original abode of the Father of the mankind-Hazrat Adam (AS).

Malik Muhammad Aslam Awan
(The writer is a journalist, author of English Book on current affairs
and independent analyst based in Lahore)

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