God’s Blessed People

Malik Muhammad Aslam Awan

Malik Muhammad Aslam AwanHuman Beings are the most blessed ones of all creatures of the universe. Allah Almighty had ordained-in Surat Ateen Ayet 4- we had made human being on the best composition. Allah Almighty had divided humanity in two classes. One section is of those people who defy the injunctions of God Almighty. They had fallen themselves into immeasurable depths of defiance that Allah Almighty ordained in Surah Al ArafAyet 179; we had created a segment of “Jins” and human beings, Just to fill the hell, whose hearts do not understand, whose eyes do not see, whose ears do not listen. Those are just like animals rather beneath them, those are ignorant. On the other hand is the segment who had fear of God, they obey prophets. In the Surat Al-Nisa God Almighty ordained those who obey their Creator and His prophets will be with those who are blessed by God Almighty, for example prophets, the truthful persons, the martyrs and the righteous people. These are the best companions.
In Surah Fateh we pray to God Almighty, we prostrate before you (God Almighty) and pray for help. O, our Creator guide us to right path, the path of those who were blessed by you not the path of those who faced your wrath. The blessed people ,surely, deserve the bounties from Allah Almighty. This is a fact that the blessed persons cannot be above the martyrs. The truthful persons enjoy the more high place than martyres and prophets enjoy the highest place than all righteous ones. The honour and dignity of the last Prophet is much more higher than all other prophets. Allah Almighty had promised the Last Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) to bless him with (Muqam-e-Mehmood) the highest place on the day of rewards, when the habitual sinners would be punished and righteous persons would be rewarded, Heaven as their Habitat.
It is notable human instinct that he wants to act upon his own free will and avoids any law which make him answerable to any authority even the Creator of the universe. Someone had assumed that they will break all divine laws and Allah Almighty will surely let them to go to Heaven without any accountability. Every Divine Law is for the betterment of humanity but human nature does not want to limit himself within red line demarcated by Allah Almighty, such people are not amongst blessed but cursed whose acts would lead than to Hell.
In Surah Al-NisaAyet 64, Allah Almighty addressed humanity that he had sent prophets to teach the people to obey His will. In Surah Saba Ayet 28 Allah Almighty says; we have sent (Last Prophet) to make people believe in the blessings of God Almighty and frighten them from the wrath of Allah Almighty. The Last Prophet had been honoured and blessed with unparalleled position amongst all humanity even prophets and it is incumbent upon all humanity to follow his footprints inch by inch Islam is a religion of modesty and piousness and the Creator endears those people who uphold these principles of life. One who endears Muhammad (SAWW) is incumbent to follow strictly his messages to humanity. In Surat Al AhzabAyet 40 Allah Almighty had ordained that Muhammad (SAWW) is not the father of any amongst Muslims and holds the seal of Last Prophethood. No Muslim can claim himself a true Muslim until and unless he endears the Last Prophet (SAWW) more than his relatives even than his own soul. In Surat Al Toba Ayet 24 Allah Almighty had ordained; you endear your fathers your sons, your brothers, your wives and your clans and your assets, whose loss make you feared and your big houses endear your more than Allah, his Prophet and the battlefield, then wait till God Almighty bring devastation upon you, Allah does not show disbelievers the right path. In Surah AhzabAyet 21 God Almighty says; surely your prophet is the best example amongst you, following him makes you endear to Allah and his Prophet In Surah Al-Imran Ayet 31 Allah Almighty had ordained his Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) say to people if you endear Allah Almighty then follow me. Allah will ,also, endear you and forgive your sins and he is the most merciful, most kind upon humanity.
In Surah Al AhzabAyet 56, Allah Almighty says; God Almighty and his angles offer “Darood O Salam” upon his Prophet (Muhammad SAWW) O believers you ,also, offer Salam to your prophet. A Hadith makes it abundantly clear that one who offerDarood O Salam to his Prophet Allah Almighty sends 10 times more to the sender and if someone sends continuous Salams to the Prophet Allah Almighty forgives his sins and remove sorrows and sufferings from his life.
In Surah Al-FatehAyet 33 Allah Almighty had ordained, he sent the Prophet with crystal clear religion to make the religion of Muhammad (SAWW) prevail over all past religions. Allah Almighty had made the religion of Muhammad (SAWW) successful in his life and it is incumbent upon all his followers to make concerted, hectic and incessant efforts to make Islam prevail upon all societal structure, so that Allah Almighty may have mercy upon Muslims and civic society may get rid of all odds which entangled the believers into a host of trials and tribulations. A specific disgruntled segment of society had maneuvered to put believers in hot odds, to push them back from the aim of being a marshal race of the world. Complete submission to Allah Almighty and his Prophet will surely lead Muslims of the world to be successful in the mundane world as well as the blessed life in the world hereafter. The secret of being a crowned nation lies hidden in complete submissiveness to Allah Almighty and His Last Prophet.

Malik Muhammad AslamAwan
(The writer is author of English Book on current affairs and independent
analyst based at Islamabad)
E-mail: mlkaslamawan@gmail.com
Cell #: 0313-0063450, 0301-431511

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